
Alongside my main scientific interests and projects, I am also involved in various smaller projects, in workshop organization, teaching, scientific outreach, and voluntary projects.

Workshop organization and teaching

• In 2016, we arranged a new agenda for the Evomics workshop series: The Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics in Český Krumlov. It was a challenging but valuable experience to organize an entirely new workshop format with exellent speakers and as many as 70 participants! As part of this workshop I also prepared and taught an exercise about handling and processing of genomic sequencing data, which is available on the workshop's homepage: FileFormats.VCFtools.PLINK.

• In 2018, 2020, and 2022, we repeated our successfull workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics in Český Krumlov with another fantastic faculty and highly motivated participants and we summarized our experience in an acticle now in press in Evolution: Education and Outreach.


Barth JMI, Handley S, Kintzl D, Leonard G, Malinsky M, Matschiner M, Meyer BS, Salzburger W, Stefka J, Trucchi E. The history and organization of the Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics. Evolution: Education and Outreach (2023) 16:2. doi.org/10.1186/s12052-023-00182-w
Download pdf.     Go to journal.

Teaching molecular evolution

In the autumn semesters 2021 and 2022 the "Molecular Evolution" part of the Evolutionary genetics lecture at the University of Basel was given jointly by Walter Salzburger and myself. You can find the practicals to this course on my GitHub page.

I was part of the teaching team at the 2015 Workshop on Molecular Evolution held in the beautiful Czech UNESCO World Heritage town Český Krumlov, focusing on applying phylogenetic methods to genomic data.